The Ojai Energetics Mission
At Ojai Energetics, we exist as a catalyst for good. We employ a non-negotiable, triple bottom line policy of putting people and the planet before profits while being fiscally successful. We are the change we want to see in the world. We strive to run our company with these values, exemplified by opting to run our servers using wind energy and ensuring access to our CBD products for those who cannot always afford them.
We’re adamant about building relationships with the farmers who grow the ingredients we use in our full-spectrum CBD oil, ensuring fair trade wages and only supporting regenerative farming practices.
We’re an ethics-driven health and wellness cannabis technology company with a primary focus on the organic and science-driven nutraceutical and medical sectors. We bring ancient healing products to new life using modern innovations at an affordable level, never compromising the quality of our water-soluble CBD oil. We’re here to provide CBD users with a dependable bridge to optimal living, promoting everyday health and healing.
We will always ensure, from seed to planting to the final CBD products in your hands, that we have made the world a better place without cutting corners. We are always working to improve the standards for all the communities we touch by honoring and valuing people, the environment, and all other members of Life (while still being able to run a successful business).
At Ojai Energetics, we are a living example that success does not need to be at the expense of the wellbeing of others. Whether you’re an animal lover, a traveler, an athlete, or a busy business professional, or all of the above, you can reap the benefits of CBD, real CBD, every day. We love life, and we love you. Thank you for choosing our organic CBD oil to fuel your life.
Frequently Asked Questions About CBD
We encapsulate our full spectrum CBD oil in nanobubbles of water so that it is instantly absorbed upon contact with the mouth. This allows most people to feel the benefits of CBD in 30 seconds, not 30 minutes, like normal CBD-rich oils. Being water soluble, this also increases the amount of CBD the body can use, with over a 20x increase. We use only certified organic ingredients in our CBD, unlike anyone else who uses synthetically modified or synthetic compounds to encapsulate. This makes our CBD products the fastest acting, safest, and most bioavailable CBD on the market.
Ojai Energetics CBD is of a dark yellow color because we don’t remove the phytonutrients and chlorophyll from our product. Most other companies remove this coloring because of the formulation challenges they face. We keep the plant as whole as we can, and then encapsulate it in water to give you the most effective and advanced delivery system. At Ojai Energetics, we are the only ones to make a water soluble CBD oil that doesn’t include synthetic ingredients.
There are only trace amounts of THC in CBD, which is well below the federal legal limit. Many people have taken our products without issues of failed tests, including a pro racer who got tested by NASCAR, law enforcement, and other professionals who are tested for drugs on a regular basis. CBD is like a poppy seed bagel, in that there are trace amounts of compounds that, in theory, could show a false positive on a drug test. We do not make any guarantees regarding drug tests, and CBD users should use their best judgment.
You can find ingredients and test results for Ojai Energetics organic CBD on our website by lot number. Click here to see the CBD lab test results for a specific CBD product.
The morning time is the best time to take CBD unless you want to use it for improved sleep quality. In that case, you should take CBD about an hour before sleep for the best results. You can take CBD with or without food, and throughout the day if you feel the need.
There are 30 full droppers in every 1 oz. bottle of CBD, with the bioavailable equivalent of approximately over 5,000mg of CBD of a fat-based CBD product. Everyone’s body and needs are different. On average, bottles of our CBD tincture last about a month, give or take, depending on the user. Full spectrum CBD oil has an inverse tolerance, which means that less CBD is needed for the same results after the initial loading period for most people.
We use Colorado Farm Bill-compliant, certified organic hemp flowers. We then use C02 to extract the oil to create our CBD products.
Hemp has been used since antiquity for pretty much anything you could think of.
10,000 BC
Hemp has been grown for at least 10,000 years for food, medicine, fiber and fuel. It is thought that hemp was human’s first agricultural crop.
2737 BC
Emperor Shen Neng in China “discovers” the medicinal benefits of hemp.
200 BC
Ancient Greeks use hemp for nutrients, food, animal fodder, rope, and medicine.
Pliny the Elder writes about the health effects of hemp in his leading scientific manual, Natural World, which the scholars from ancient Rome into the Renaissance referenced.
King Henry VIII fines farmers if they do not raise hemp
French and British cultivate cannabis for hemp at their colonies.
America’s first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia, ordering all farmers to grow Indian hemp.
George Washington grows hemp and uses it internally.
Kentucky begins growing hemp and becomes the center of hemp production in the United States. The Declaration of Independence is drafted on hemp paper
Popular Mechanics writes an article about how hemp could be used in 25,000 different products.
The Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission urged use of cannabis be re-legalized, but their recommendation was ignored. U.S. Medical research picks up pace.
The U.S. begins to import food-grade hemp seed and oil.
The US Department of Health and Human Services receives a patent for the therapeutic use of “cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.”
President Obama signed the Farm Bill, which allowed research institutions to start piloting hemp farming.
Ojai Energetics encapsulates CBD in nanobubbles to increase bioavailability.