CBD for Sleep: Does CBD Help with Sleep?
CBD for Sleep: Does CBD Help with Sleep? If you’re reading this with bleary eyes, you’re not alone: Americans aren’t getting enough Zs. The CDC reports that a third of…
CBD for Sleep: Does CBD Help with Sleep? If you’re reading this with bleary eyes, you’re not alone: Americans aren’t getting enough Zs. The CDC reports that a third of…
Red eyes, uncontrollable laughter, and the munchies. Cannabis sativa has many stereotypes, but the phenomenon known as the “munchies” is one of the better known. Whether or not you’ve experienced…
From gas stations to bodegas, delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, or as it’s better known, “delta-8,” is the latest trend in the world of cannabis. Sometimes referred to as “weed lite,” delta-8 is said…
When it comes to taste, we all have different preferences. As the CBD industry expands and so does the number of newcomers to the market, questions about what CBD oil…
Traveling with CBD does not have to be complicated or stressful. We get a lot of questions about CBD oil, such as “Can you fly with CBD?” and “Is it…
Much like when you think about the condiments in the back of your refrigerator, you may be wondering whether the CBD oil you bought years ago is still safe to…
If you thought asking your doctor for a work note was nerve-racking, you’ve probably never tried to get a recommendation for CBD. In a U.S. study of attitudes toward medical…
Pain relief, eased anxiety, and sleep improvement—these are just some of the potential merits of CBD use. But with so much talk of benefits, there’s one crucial question left unanswered:…
Historically, CBD has been wrapped up in the war on drugs in the US and around the globe. The good news is that the stigma is changing, and CBD is…
What medications are you taking? We’ve all been asked this by a doctor at some point, but have you ever wondered why? Well, when you’re prescribed new medication, your doctor…
Are you one of the 14% of Americans who say they use CBD products? While reasons for use vary from pain relief and anxiety to insomnia and arthritis, there’s still…
Even though CBN was the first cannabinoid ever discovered by scientists, it remained largely ignored by the scientific community and cannabis consumers for many decades. CBN was the first naturally…